About Plaatsmaken

Stichting Productiehuis Plaatsmaken

Plaatsmaken is a place where artists can work, present and engage in conversation. As an art venue, we are at the heart of current affairs and question them with our artistic program. Experimentation is the starting point. With our projects and exhibitions, we aim for an energetic and sparkling dialogue in which polyphony but also idiosyncrasy resonate. We also see an important role for ourselves in preserving and transferring knowledge of and information about graphic techniques through workshops and work periods.


We work with artists and other culture makers, we connect artists with each other and with the public, we exhibit, we produce, we initiate projects, we ask critical questions. And if necessary, we will also take to the streets. Making way -Plaatsmaken- for art!


The artists' initiative PlaatsMaken was founded in Arnhem in 1984 by five young artists: Harry van Dierendonck, Jos van Doorn, Taco Meeuwsen, Raoul Teulings and Henk Hilvering. They organized exhibitions and projects on the Neproma site behind the station. With a merger with the Graphic Center in 1986 and the move to Emmastraat, the seeds were sown for the current Plaatsmaken as a workshop and exhibition space. By expanding knowledge and experience in the organization, Plaatsmaken has also developed into a project agency that, among other things, realizes visual art projects in outdoor spaces and takes care of productions for artists. These three pillars - workshops, exhibition space and project office - form the foundation and base from which all activities are undertaken.

Activities by Plaatsmaken are made possible with the kind support of the Municipality of Arnhem and the Mondriaan Fund.

Click here for more information about the team of Plaatsmaken.

Plaatsmaken has the status of Cultural ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation/PBO) and is therefore exempt from inheritance and gift tax. Your donation can provide tax benefits.

Gifts and donations are entirely for the benefit of the objectives of Plaatsmaken. Individuals who financially support Plaatsmaken may deduct 1.25 times the amount of their donation in their income tax return. Companies that are subject to corporate income tax may deduct 1.5 times the amount of a donation to Plaatsmaken in their corporate income tax return.

Click here for more information about tax benefits for cultural donations.

Official PBO information of Plaatsmaken:

Name: Stichting Productiehuis Plaatsmaken

Chamber of Commerce number: 41046202

RSIN: 003679263


Making space offers space and opportunity for making and showing art, and for meeting, connecting and interacting between artists and with the public. In its production house, Plaatsmaken wants to offer students, artists and designers the space to make and show art, and with its activities it wants to offer its own audience and visitors from other art and cultural institutions the opportunity to relate to contemporary art.


It has a managing director, Inge Pollet, and an unpaid Supervisory Board consisting of four members with relevant expertise: Gijs Frieling (chairman), Jenny Doest, Rieke Righolt and Noor van Wageningen. They meet four times a year.

Fair Practice Code


Professional development
Since the change of management in 2021, Plaatsmaken has undergone a major transition, both in terms of content and organisation. Plaatsmaken consists of a team of driven professionals who together ensure a productive and positive climate. This new direction, with more focus on the artistic content, offers a lot of room for input and creativity from all employees. They are encouraged to take relevant courses.

Sustainability, health and safety at work
We pursue a future-oriented policy, with room for development and well-being of all employees. We want to retain creative talent and encourage them to develop, which is why we invest in good working conditions and a safe and healthy working environment. There is a healthy and pleasant interaction between colleagues, good arrangements with regard to holidays and since 2023 our employees have also been accruing a pension.
In the coming years, we will also focus on making materials and printing inks more sustainable. In this way, we are working towards reducing traditional chemicals as much as possible in all workshops.

Transparency of finances
We believe in a solid network and always focus on long-term relationships. Trust and transparency during the work processes are part of this. Clear communication and expectation management as well. For us, this fair practice is a natural part of our daily business operations. The financial administration has a four-eyes principle; There are always two employees watching payments that are made. Since Plaatsmaken is partly financed with government money, we are obliged to work with a chartered accountant.

The integrity and safeguarding of the intellectual property of artists who work with us are obviously important. In addition, we have always included artistic freedom as one of the most important principles in our policy. We make sure that the correct credits are mentioned for every publication, even in the case of freelancers. We make clear agreements with all the artists we work with about the use and copyrights of their work.

Fair Practice
Plaatsmaken regularly hires freelancers for specialist assignments. We think it is important that these people are paid for their work. In every request, quotation or budget, we include hours that we pay to the freelancers. We also follow the Guideline for Job and Wage Structure for Presentation Institutions for Visual Arts as drawn up by De Zaak Nu.


Application of the Culture Governance Code
Plaatsmaken is a small organisation (3.8 FTEs) that will employ six people as of January 2024, the majority of whom will work part-time. There are an artistic director-director, an office manager, two project staff and two professional workshop managers. Plaatsmaken has an unpaid Supervisory Board, which consists of four people with relevant expertise. These members may serve a maximum of two four-year terms. In its supervision, the Supervisory Board follows the Governance Code for Culture. It is tasked with helping Plaatsmaken to put the principles of this GCC into practice and to explain how this is done. Four meetings with the Supervisory Board take place each year. The justification in our annual report also concerns the application of the GCC in our organisation.


Acting with integrity and managing with care
At Plaatsmaken, there is a culture of openness and accountability within the organization. We attach great importance to open and transparent communication. We would like to be a place where employees and external stakeholders feel safe to express what they think is important and actively encourage this by always engaging in conversation. There is a lot of room for personal input and there is a good implementation of the Fair Practice Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code.


Diversity & Inclusion Code
For Plaatsmaken, beliefs, gender or disability have never been a motive for whether or not to enter into cooperation. It is important to us that choices for collaboration are made sincerely, and with the help of the Diversity & Inclusion Code, we are working step by step towards the application of this.


In terms of programming, we have well integrated the Diversity & Inclusion Code into the core of the organisation and this is paying off in our output. In the 2025-2028 programme, too, there is plenty of room and attention for a diverse and inclusive composition. Audience participation, community and activism are central to this, and we aim for a broad representation of artists from the global South.


Plaatsmaken strives to be accessible to the widest possible audience. Our audience is a good representation of our field of work and has a diverse composition in age, gender and nationality. The spaces in which our public activities take place are accessible to people with different types of disabilities as far as possible. We also take structural action to reduce the distance to our organisation. We think it's important to connect with audiences outside our 'bubble'. Our educational projects play an important role in this. Plaatsmaken acts as a polling station during elections; This also broadens our involvement in the neighbourhood.


Since its foundation in 1984, Plaatsmaken has made room in the organization for employees with an occupational disability. Gender, religion or belief never influence the establishment of an employment relationship. We invest in new employees with little experience if they do have the right knowledge and competencies for their position. We use widely accessible selection and application procedures.


Equal cooperation with participation and evaluation opportunities from both sides with various partners in and outside the visual arts network is important and valuable for Plaatsmaken. We have a growing focus on collaboration with local partners. Cooperation with various partners is also an important and recurring aspect in our plans for the future.

Click on one of the years below to open the annual report. (Dutch only)




Policy plan 2025-2028